David Hockney in Secret Knowledge, 2006:

The thesis I am putting forward here is that from the early fifteenth century many Western artists used optics - by which I mean mirrors and lenses (or a combination of the two) - to create living projections.


Hito Steyerl In Defense of the Poor Image, 2009:

Altogether, poor images present a snapshot of the affective condition of the crowd, its neurosis, paranoia, and fear, as well as its craving for intensity, fun, and distraction. The condition of the images speaks not only of countless transfers and reformattings, but also of the countless people who cared enough about them to convert them over and over again, to add subtitles, reedit, or upload them.


Gerald Hüther in Die Macht der inneren Bilder: Wie Visionen das Gehirn, den Menschen und die Welt verändern, 2004:

Only when we become aware of the origin and power of these images can we also think about how we can ensure that in future we determine the images and not the images determine us.